Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for First Year Students

CGPA stands for Cumulative Grade Point Average. It is a measure of your overall academic performance across all semesters.

Your CGPA is important because:

  • It determines if you can promote to the next year or not.
  • Higher CGPA can help you get better job opportunities or admission in higher studies.
  • It reflects your hard work and dedication towards your studies.

Your CGPA is calculated using the following formula:

CGPA = (Sum of Course credits × Grade points for all courses across all semesters) / (Total Course credits for all courses across all semesters)

Here's an example:

Let's say you have taken 5 courses in the first semester, each with 4 credits. If you score an 'A' grade (9 grade points) in 3 courses and a 'B' grade (8 grade points) in 2 courses, your SGPA (Semester Grade Point Average) for the first semester would be:

SGPA = (3 × 4 × 9 + 2 × 4 × 8) / (5 × 4) = 8.4

Your CGPA after the first semester would be the same as your SGPA, which is 8.4.

To be able to promote to the next year, you need to meet the following requirements:

  1. Secure a 'P' (Pass, grade point 5.0) or higher grade in at least 40 credits of prescribed courses from consecutive odd and even semesters.
  2. Obtain a minimum CGPA of 5 or above (considering all courses, including those in which you have secured an 'F' grade).

If your CGPA at the end of the 2nd semester is less than 5, you will not be allowed to register in the 3rd semester and must resume it in the following year with the next batch of students.

Our college follows a 7-scale grading system, with the following letter grades and corresponding grade points per credit:

  • A+ (Excellent) - 10 grade points
  • A (Very Good) - 9 grade points
  • B (Good) - 8 grade points
  • C (Fair) - 7 grade points
  • D (Average) - 6 grade points
  • P (Pass) - 5 grade points
  • F (Fail) - 0 grade points

To earn academic credit in a subject, you must obtain a grading of 'P' or above.

To appear in any semester examination, you must attain a minimum of 75% attendance in each theory and sessional/practical paper.

However, a condonation of 10% attendance may be allowed on medical grounds by the college authority.

SGPA stands for Semester Grade Point Average. It is a measure of your academic performance in a single semester.

CGPA stands for Cumulative Grade Point Average. It is a measure of your overall academic performance across all semesters.

SGPA is calculated only for the courses taken in a particular semester, while CGPA is calculated by considering all the courses taken across all semesters.

Your CGPA is the most important factor in determining your academic standing and promotion to the next year.

Here are some tips to improve your CGPA:

  • Attend all classes and pay attention to the lectures.
  • Regularly study and revise the course material.
  • Seek help from your professors or seniors if you have any doubts.
  • Participate actively in class discussions and assignments.
  • Manage your time effectively and prioritize your studies.
  • Take advantage of remedial classes or extra help sessions, if offered.

Remember, consistency and dedication are key to achieving a good CGPA.